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Que sont les (General Data Protection Regulations) ? Les conditions ci-dessous sont énoncées en français langue principale du site et en Anglais pour la partie légale de la réglementation qui concerne toute personne résidente en Europe et certains pays adhérents à ces règles. Si vous ne comprenez pas ces règles, vous avez la possibilité de nous écrire afin de vous faire expliquer ce qui ne vous semble pas clair. Vous ne pouvez pas bénéficier du site sans accepter ces conditions qui respectent les directives de la loi adoptée par l’Union Européennes. Sinon, cliquez sur le bouton d’acceptation.
Principe fondamental : Vous et Nous…
Notre société met tout en oeuvre pour donner entière satisfaction à ses clients et leur éviter toute frustration. Si toutefois vous n’aviez pas le sentiment que la transaction entre et vous même soit équitable, vous pouvez consulter ces conditions générales de vente et nous écrire (adresse en bas de page) afin que nous soyons en mesure d’identifier le problème rencontré et de trouver une solution qui vous maintienne ou vous ramène au nombre de nos clients fidèles et satisfaits.
Prix des produits, services ou prestations
Les prix de nos produits, services ou prestations sont indiqués en euros, francs suisses ou dollars selon le contexte. La devise est toujours indiquée. n’encaisse pas de frais supplémentaires. Soyez toutefois attentifs au fait que certains établissements financiers prélèvent parfois des frais sur les opérations vers certains pays comme la Suisse. Ces montants sont en général peu significatifs mais vous êtes en droit de demander de meilleures conditions à votre banque.
Les articles bénéficiant d’une garantie de remboursement sont garantis aux conditions et à hauteur de l’offre valable lors de l’achat. Une garantie à durée limitée prend effet à la date de mise à disposition de l’article, justifiée par le document de livrison (généralement l’envoi de vos codes d’accès et d’un numéro de commande) ou de votre première connexion à l’espace d’accès, de téléchargement ou de consultation de votre produit. Nous vous demandons de conserver soigneusement les documents reçus. En cas d’abonnement la garantie de remboursement ne s’applique qu’à la dernière mensualité perçue.
Notre engagement de livraison ou d’accès est nul en cas de défaillance de la part de nos propres fournisseurs, en particulier les Internet ou Service Providers et dans la mesure où cette indisponibilité n’est pas imputable à En cas d’indisponibilité d’un produit ou d’un accès à un produit, nous vous informerons dans les meilleurs délais. Si l’accès à votre produit est temporairement indisponible veuillez réessayer après quelques heures avant de vous alarmer.
Après le retour de l’accès au produit, les mêmes clauses de non responsabilité de s’appliquent.
Modalités de paiement
Méthodes de paiement : Sont généralement proposés les modes de paiement Paypal, Stripe, Le virement bancaire ou d’autres solutions au moyen de votre carte bancaire, selon les produits.
Aucun produit n’est accessible avant la confirmation du paiement.
Livraison et transport
L’envoi des codes d’accès aux produits commandés est effectué par voie électronique (email ou Helpdesk) . ne livre aucun produit par voie postale.
Toute personne mineure a l’obligation de joindre à sa commande une autorisation écrite des parents ou de son représentant légal.
Garanties légales
Informatique et libertés
Toutes les données à caractère personnel sont traitées avec respect de votre vie privée. Les informations nécessaires à la mise à disposition des produits font l’objet d’un traitement informatique et peuvent être communiquées à des entités indispensables au traitement et à la gestion des commandes.
Il peut vous être proposé des coupons de réduction, des bonus ou des cadeaux. Ils ne sont pas cumulables sauf indication contraire. Si vous hésitez, consultez-nous pour savoir quelle est la meilleure option pour vous. Lorsque ces cadeaux remises ou avantages sont distribués par l’intermédiaire d’une roue de la chance, le fair play est exigé. Toutes les tentatives sont gagnantes mais une part de hasard existe sur ce qui vous est offert. Nous offrons ces avantages dans le but de promouvoir et vous faire connaître la qualité de nos produits. Toute manipulation, contournement, tricherie, par une technique quelconque qui tendrait à tenter de recevoir plusieurs coupons ou davantage que la remise attribuée sera détectée et engendrera le retrait de l’avantage acquis à notre seule discrétion et selon nos seuls critères. Aucun recours ne sera possible. Si pour une raison quelconque, un problème survient, écrivez-nous. Nous ferons tout pour vous donner le meilleur service possible.
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Veuillez cliquer sur le bouton « Accept it » ci-dessous pour accepter nos conditions générales d’utilisation du site. Merci.
Mise à Jour du 23 mai 2018 TERMS AND CONDITIONS
Last Updated: May 23, 2018
The Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) describe how the publisher of this site APPRENDRE-A-DESSINER.PRO (“Company,” “we,” and “our”) regulates your use of this website (the “Site”). Please read the following information carefully to understand our practices regarding your use of the Site. The Company may change the Terms at any time. The Company may inform you of the changes to the Terms using the available means of communication. The Company recommends you to check the Site frequently to see the actual version of the Terms and their previous versions. If you represent a legal entity, you certify that you entitled by such a legal entity to conclude the Terms as the legal entity you represent.
Our Privacy Policy is available on a separate page. Our Privacy Policy explains to you how we process information about you. You shall understand that through your use of the Site you acknowledge the processing of this information shall be undertaken in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
When using the Site, you shall be responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of your account, password and other credentials and for secure access to your device. You shall not assign your account to anyone. The Company is not responsible for unauthorized access to your account that results from misappropriation or theft of your account. The Company may refuse or cancel service, terminate your account, and remove or edit content.
The Company does not knowingly collect personal data from persons under the age of 16 (sixteen). If you are under 16 (sixteen) years old, you may not use the Site and may not enter into the Terms under any circumstances.
The Site allows you to use Services available on the Site. You shall not use the services for the illegal aims.
We may, at our sole discretion, set fees for using the Site for you. All prices are published separately on relevant pages on the Site. We may, at our sole discretion, at any time change any fees.
We may use certified payment systems which also may have their commissions. Such commissions may be implied on you when you choose a particular payment system. Detailed information about commissions of such payment systems may be found on their websites..
The Site may include links to other sites, applications, and platforms (hereinafter the « Linked Sites« ).
The Company does not control the Linked Sites, and shall not be responsible for the content and other materials of the Linked Sites. The Company makes these links available to you for providing the functionality or services on the Site.
The Company grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license to access and use the Site from one device in accordance with the Terms.
You shall not use the Site for unlawful or prohibited purpose. You may not use the Site in a way that may disable, damage, or interfere in the Site.
All content present on the Site includes text, code, graphics, logos, images, compilation, software used on the Site (hereinafter and hereinbefore the « Content« ). The Content is the property of the Company or its contractors and protected by intellectual property laws that protect such rights. You agree to use all copyright and other proprietary notices or restrictions contained in the Content and you are prohibited from changing the Content.
You may not publish, transmit, modify, reverse engineer, participate in the transfer, or create and sell derivative works, or in any way use any of the Content. Your enjoyment of the Site shall not entitle you to make any illegal and disallowed use of the Content, and in particular you shall not change proprietary rights or notices in the Content. You shall use the Content only for your personal and non-commercial use. The Company does not grant you any licenses to the intellectual property of the Company.
By posting, uploading, inputting, providing or submitting your Content you are granting the Company to use your Content in connection with the operation of Company’s business including, but not limited to, the rights to transmit, publicly display, distribute, publicly perform, copy, reproduce, and translate your Content; and to publish your name in connection with your Content.
No compensation shall be paid with regard to the use of your Content. The Company shall have no obligation to publish or enjoy any Content you may send us and may remove your Content at any time.
By posting, uploading, inputting, providing or submitting your Content you warrant and represent that you own all of the rights to your Content.
The information available via the Site may include typographical errors or inaccuracies. The Company shall not be liable for these inaccuracies and errors.
The Company makes no representations about the availability, accuracy, reliability, suitability, and timeliness of the Content contained on and services available on the Site. To the maximum extent allowed by the applicable law, all such Content and services are provided on the « as is » basis. The Company disclaims all warranties and conditions regarding this Content and services, including warranties and provisions of merchantability, fitness for a certain purpose.
To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law, in no event shall the Company be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive damages including, but not limited to, damages for loss of enjoyment, data or profits, in the connection with the enjoyment or execution of the Site in the context of the inability or delay to enjoy the Site or its services, or for any Content of the Site, or otherwise arising out of the enjoyment of the Site, based on contract and non-contract liability or other reason.
If the exclusion or limitation of liability for damages, whether consequential or incidental, are prohibited in a particular case, the exclusion or limitation of liability shall not apply to you.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company, its managers, directors, employees, agents, and third parties, for any costs, losses, expenses (including attorneys’ fees), liabilities regarding or arising out of your enjoyment of or inability to enjoy the Site or its services and Company’s services and products, your violation of the Terms or your violation of any rights of third parties, or your violation of the applicable law. The may assume the exclusive defence and you shall cooperate with the Company in asserting any available defences.
The Company may terminate your access and account to the Site and its related services or any part at any time, without notice, in case of your violation of the Terms.
The governing law of the Terms shall be the substantive laws of the country where the Company is set up, except the conflict of laws rules. You shall not use the Site in jurisdictions that do not give effect to all provisions of the Terms.
No joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship shall be implied between you and the Company as a result of the Terms or use of the Site.
Nothing in the Terms shall be a derogation of the Company’s right to comply with governmental, court, police, and law enforcement requests or requirements regarding your enjoyment of the Site.
If any part of the Terms is determined to be void or unenforceable in accordance with applicable law then the void or unenforceable clauses will be deemed superseded by valid and enforceable clauses shall be similar to the original version of the Terms and other parts and sections of the Terms shall be applicable to you and the Company.
The Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and the Company regarding the enjoyment of the Site and the Terms supersede all prior or communications and offers, whether electronic, oral or written, between you and the Company.
The Company and its affiliates shall not be liable for a failure or delay to fulfil its obligations where the failure or delay results from any cause beyond Company’s reasonable control, including technical failures, natural disasters, blockages, embargoes, riots, acts, regulation, legislation, or orders of government, terroristic acts, war, or any other force outside of Company’s control.
In case of controversies, demands, claims, disputes, or causes of action between the Company and you relating to the Site or other related issues, or the Terms, you and the Company agree to attempt to resolve such controversies, demands, claims, disputes, or causes of action by good faith negotiation, and in case of failure of such negotiation, exclusively through the courts of the country where the Company is set up.
- Complaints
We are committed to resolve any complaints about our collection or use of your personal data. If you would like to make a complaint regarding this Terms or our practices in relation to your personal data, please contact us at:
We will reply to your complaint as soon as we can and in any event, within 30 days. We hope to resolve any complaint brought to our attention, however if you feel that your complaint has not been adequately resolved, you reserve the right to contact your local data protection supervisory authority
- Contact Information
We welcome your comments or questions about this Terms. You may contact us in writing at or to S-P.SARL 7 St Georges, 1815 Clarens-Montreux, Vaud, Switzerland.